Asian Girls In Therapy is a K-pop and Bollywood fusion of joy, heartbreak, humour and depression. Awkward Kiran and feisty Cheon are the protagonists of this dark comedy that centres on their turbulent yet farcical mental health journey. As therapist, Dr Sarah helps guide them through their toxic cycles and hidden traumas with her unconventional ways, new limits are reached and unexpected outbursts threaten the fragility of hope in the face of depression; will Dr Sarah’s unorthodox approach to therapy be a step too far for Kiran or Cheon?
A dark comedy, Asian Girls in Therapy challenges an audience’s perception of what lead characters today could look like: two young Asian women, who are challengingly fierce and quirkily outspoken. A raw depiction of depression with a dash of sardonic zest, Asian Girls In Therapy will have audiences from a wide range of background relating to the protagonists’ endearing story.
This production is part of Camden Fringe.
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